Email: info@remoterhythm.com
Boston Scientific ICD home monitoring
Cellular option: The instructions included in the box give two connection options. The cellular option is preferred unless you have no mobile coverage in your area. Please do not connect the landline at all unless necessary.
Your implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) is continuously monitoring its own function and analysing your heart rhythm. Information about the lead(s) and battery function is continuously updated. This data is stored in your device's memory. At routine clinic visits this information is retrieved from the ICD to guide decisions about your ongoing management. Generally this occurs every 6 months.
Your ICD is capable of sending this stored technical and medical information to a secure internet website via a monitor placed in your home. This data can then be reviewed by a cardiac technologist and forwarded to your Cardiologist.
The following is some of the information that is transmitted:
- Battery longevity
- Lead integrity
- Device settings
- Cardiac arrhythmias, eg atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia
- Heart rate profile, pacemaker use
It is very important to note that remote monitoring is not an emergency service. It will notify us of ICD issues but is not a continuous 24 hour a day monitoring or alarm service. In an emergency you must seek the appropriate medical care.
How does it work?
- The ICD records data continuously
- Once a day (usually around 3am) the ICD transmits the data to the monitor wirelessly
- The data is then sent from the monitor to a secure website
- The website is reviewed at least twice a day by a pacemaker technologist
- Any abnormalities are reported to your doctor
Do I leave the monitor on all the time?
Yes, the monitor needs to be on all the time so that daily checks of your device can be performed.
What happens if my home loses power?
When the power returns to your home the monitor will turn itself back on.
What problems can the home monitor detect?
ICD/pacemaker lead issues, abnormal heart rhythms, battery depletion, therapy delivered by the ICD.
How does RRM know my device has reported a problem?
If a device reports a problem an alert is sent to a staff member at RRM via an email and a text message. The websites are also reviewed every day and every night to ensure that no alert has gone undetected.
What happens when I am away from home for an extended period?
We suggest taking the monitor with you if you plan to be away for more than one month. RRM will attempt to contact you if there has been no communication with your device for 30 days.
Troubleshooting - Home monitor will not dial out: Landline ONLY: If the monitor fails to connect you need to clear any messages on Telstra 101 (home phone line) if you have it. An ADSL filter is required if you have broadband internet sharing your home phone line.
The annual fee for monitoring your ICD also includes the Remote Monitoring device.
For further information regarding your device please contact Nicholas Youngs on 0412 326 149.